Dealing With The Post 2015 Development Challenges


  • Naresh Singh O.P. Jindal Global University



There is growing consensus that the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) with all their limitations have been very useful in mobilizing attention, resources and action to addressing development concerns around poverty, gender, health, education and environment. While significant progress has been made, there is also consensus that MDG’s will remain important in the post 2015 era. However, the loudest calls from “a million voices” speak to an agenda centered on the injustice people feel because of growing inequalities and insecurities that exist particularly for poorer and marginalized people. The challenges are complex and interlinked, requiring a sustainable development agenda that is integrated, holistic and universal, applying to all countries and all people. The call is for a new agenda built on human rights, and universal values of equality, justice and security. Better governance underpins many of their calls. These calls are not new and have either not been addressed, or have been addressed and failed. Transformation will require nothing less than a rethinking of the dominant narratives of our current civilizations.


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Author Biography

Naresh Singh, O.P. Jindal Global University

Independent Consultant and Honorary Visiting Professor, School of Government and Public Policy, O.P. Jindal Global University




How to Cite

Singh, N. (2014). Dealing With The Post 2015 Development Challenges. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, 2(1), 76–93.





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