The tragedy of vaccine nationalism in the covid-19 pandemic


  • Poorva Israni O. P. Jindal Global University



The pursuit of all the countries to end the COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the development and distribution of the available vaccines to the global population. However, the emergence of “vaccine nationalism” has posed a predicament to solve the global crisis. Vaccine nationalism seems to be delaying the process to achieve global victory on the COVID-19 due to a lack of supply of vaccines. It is in this background that the context of the paper has been set. It initially discusses the global COVID-19 vaccine development process. It examines the approach of vaccine nationalism by rich countries and perceives the concept of vaccine nationalism through the lens of various political philosophies, such as capitalism, Marxism, liberalism, Rawls's theory of justice, utilitarianism, and Nozick's theory of justice. Further, it attempts to understand India's approach to vaccine diplomacy and vaccine nationalism. Lastly, it comprehends the need to recognize a framework to change the narrative of the COVID-19 vaccine development and distribution


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Author Biography

Poorva Israni, O. P. Jindal Global University

A student of Masters in Public Policy at Jindal School of Government and Public Policy. The author can be reached at




How to Cite

Israni, P. (2022). The tragedy of vaccine nationalism in the covid-19 pandemic. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, 6(1), 87–98.





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