Protection of people displaced from India’s sinking islands :

a human rights perspective




In this article, the authors comment on the interlinkages between human rights and the protection of people on sinking islands in India. Currently, at least two islands in India – Sagar and Ghoramara are on the brink of disappearance due to rising sea levels and coastal erosion in the region. The complete sinking or disappearance of these islands will displace the current residents of these islands. Currently, there is a lack of a relocation or rehabilitation policy to protect people affected by sea-level rise or climate change. The rising sea levels and a lack of policy negatively impact the human rights of the residents of these islands. Against these facts, the authors in this article explore the human rights guaranteed under part III of the Constitution of India that may be applied to protect people displaced from Sagar and Ghoramara. One of the ways to protect these residents is by relocating or resettling them in mainland India in a place that is not prone to hazards. The right to life and equality guaranteed by the Constitution have been previously applied to protect people displaced by other disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. Given their historical application and success, these two fundamental (human) rights can be applied to protect people from sinking islands without a central policy or law to protect the residents of Sagar and Ghoramara.


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Author Biography

Chhaya Bhardwaj, Jindal Global Law School

Prof. Chhaya Bhardwaj is an Associate Professor at the O P Jindal University, Jindal Global Law School, Rapporteur and Member of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law- Columbia University, and a Member of the IUCN-WCEL. She worked as the Visiting Scholar and Lecturer at Dublin City University, United Nations Fellow in 2017 and 2019. Twitter: @BchhayaB, Linkedin:[1]bhardwaj-498084107/




How to Cite

Bhardwaj, C. (2023). Protection of people displaced from India’s sinking islands :: a human rights perspective. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, 7(1), 35–45.


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