Foundational Principles for a Robust Law on Public Service Delivery in India: Drawing Inspiration from International Instances and Practices


  • Sharan Bhavnani
  • Prashant Narang



Public service delivery and guarantee laws are instrumental in fostering good governance and economic growth, yet the legal framework in India remains fragmented across independent state legislations. This research paper aims to elaborate on the principles that should guide a model law, drawn from global best practices, and explores the influence of contemporary public management values on the evolution of the Indian legal landscape. The recent introduction of a national public service guarantee law has rekindled the debate on the need for a coherent framework. The paper compiles a list of global best practices for modernizing India's public service delivery laws. The research contributes to the ongoing discourse and emphasizes the significance of public service delivery in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth and development in India. It may prove to be a ready resource for creating a unified and effective legal structure that aligns with the needs of society and businesses. By synthesizing historical perspectives, current challenges, and future prospects, this paper serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, legal scholars, and practitioners seeking to understand and shape the future of public service delivery laws in India.


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Author Biographies

Sharan Bhavnani

Sharan Bhavnani is a practicing Advocate and a public policy analyst. He completed his B.A.LL.B (Hons.) from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore in 2019. He was associated with Centre for Civil Society from 2021 to 2023.

Prashant Narang

Dr. Prashant Narang is a Senior Fellow, Research at Centre for Civil Society, Delhi.
(He is the corresponding author.)




How to Cite

Bhavnani, S., & Narang, P. (2023). Foundational Principles for a Robust Law on Public Service Delivery in India: Drawing Inspiration from International Instances and Practices. Jindal Journal of Public Policy, 7(2), 49–70.





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